Sunday, August 25, 2013

And she returns!

Waaaahhhhhh it's been too long!!!

Okay, so I have to make this quick because I need to get to sleeeeeeep. But don't worry! I will be back and posting this week. I have this idea to do a demo/recipe post about some shrimp and mushroom pasta I'm going to make this week, and another one about rum cake...cuz I've been dying to make a rum cake. I made one of my mom's homemade apple pies tonight, and it was DELICIOUS, so if you want the recipe/would like to see how that went, I will happily make another pie just for y'all.

...If there are any of y'all out there. :/

But as an update, Hell Week is, in fact, OVER! And what has come of Hell Week? This girl, after two amazing callbacks for the two straight plays of the semester, landed a lead role in our Shakespearean production this winter!!! :D :D :D I'm so excited!!!! I wish I could tell you guys a little more about which of Shakespeare's plays/my role, but I'm kinda nervous to do so in case any of my cast/crewmates ever find this blog...I want to be able to share my honest opinions about how the process is going and document my feelings without censoring them, and if someone who is a part of that process found this...that would stink if they got their feelings hurt/shared it. If the production is magically perfect and I never have a single complaint, I'll give the name of the show/my character at the end of the run.

But! As an added bonus, Nate is also cast in the show!!! :D He's not my love interest, *sigh*, but that's okay. We got to slow-dance/dance to traditional Elizabethan music during the callback together, so I'm more than pleased. Plus, this will be the first project we've worked on together as castmates since February 2012! That is so exciting to me! Plus, we both love Shakespeare, so that's cool. Neither of my roommates, who both really wanted to be a part of the Shakespeare show, got cast in there's a little bit of guilt hanging over my head...

I love them both so much, and they're both extremely talented, and I genuinely don't wish them any failures or anything like that. I think it's really important to celebrate fellow artists' victories, and mourn their losses with them...and they've been really kind and congratulatory towards me, and I've tried to be very humble in return. I try not to be competitive...I know eventually I'll have to get a little more competitive than I am, but earlier this summer, a fellow artist friend of mine was sharing about this article she read. It was about how professional sports encourage competition and besting your rivals at any cost, and how there is this coldness between opposing teams. It's never about players improving their skills or working together's about the names of the players themselves, and the "brand" of the team they are on...even though they don't always work as a team. All "I" and no "us"...whereas art, even in a professional, more business-like setting, is all about building community, and improving the world as a whole while also bettering yourself. In art, you create something to give to the world as a gift. You create to express, to share, to emote, to pray, to help. I'm not saying sports are bad or can't build community and teamwork, especially on non-professional levels, but it is interesting to look at professional sports players and the world they compete in, versus professional artists and their goals and how they "compete" in a virtually open-ended job market.

Wow, I said I was gonna make this quick. xD LIES. I can't make any post quick. Goodnight, all! Much love to everyone who views this! If you disagree/agree with my sports vs arts bit, please comment (respectfully)! I'd love to have a discussion about it! :)

Sanguinely Yours,


Friday, August 16, 2013

Home Schweet Home...

Okay, I promise I want this blog to be more than just a "diary" of sorts...I want it to encompass lots of my interests, and I want to share lots of cool info, ideas, recipes, craft ideas, etc. But for now, with the craziness of Hell Week (I'll explain in a sec) about to begin...I've gotta just keep writing about mememe. This blog is a really nice escape for me since no one I know reads least, I hope not.

Anyhow, I'm all moved into my new apartment! I sit here writing this entry from my new kitchen table, where I have one of my lovely new glasses from the sale at Anthropologie filled with nummy milk, and a hot bowl of Double Cheeseburger Macaroni Hamburger Helper ready to be devoured. ...okay, so it's not the fanciest/nicest/healthiest/anythingest meal in the world, BUT! I made it all by myself, my first home-cooked meal in the apartment. There is something so nice about listening to your 90s pop music Pandora and cooking your own little meals in your own little grown-up apartment...however tiny it may be. I like being an almost-complete adult.

I would post pictures, but the apartment is too messy for that right now. I did say we were moved in...not completely organized. ;) But my apartment, room, and roommates are SO WONDERFUL!!!! Oh, the past couple of days have been nice. Move in on Thursday went pretty painlessly, it was just long and tiring, especially since I had been unable to sleep the night before. But Nate came and helped me do A LOT of stuff, plus my Dad ran and got things for the apartment from the storage unit, and we got the job done pretty smoothly. My Dad was very emotional before he left...I think he was trying not to cry a little bit. He told me to "kick ass" in Hell Week (it's coming) and have a great year. I love Dad a lot...

After lots of apartment-organizing, Nate and I went to eat at Smashburger, and we got to have our first *real* conversation in a long was so nice. We talked mostly about theatre and the plays he's reading for the class he's going to TA this semester...I think he'll make a cute (and helpful!) TA. I've already promised to pack his lunch for him some days. ;) But anyway, after Smashburger, I had a brief meeting to was for all the volunteers for Freshman move-in day on Friday (today). We just got briefed on where we were helping, how to do so, etc. After said short meeting, Nate and I went to see "Jobs". I'm not much of a movie critic, but my opinions can get pretty specific sometimes. Nate and I both agreed that Ashton Kutcher did a commendable job, and that the film was worth seeing and enjoyable...but we would have enjoyed a tighter script and a clearer through-line. Something felt missing. However, Josh Gad's speech as Steve Wozniak when he's leaving Apple was incredibly noticeable and very touching...Nate really hopes Gad gets at least a Best Supporting Actor nomination.

For my first night in the apartment, I was determined to make Nate go home so I could spend my first night alone...but my resolve was weak. :P We had an enjoyable evening and bonded in coupley ways, but I don't think either of us slept well...those silly beds are so small. We'll figure it out for the future. Regardless, my favorite moment of the evening was when Nate and I talked about "us" and his feelings for me/my feelings for him, and it was just comforting. When you've been away from someone for a month, and your relationship began with that month, you wonder. Not that we chose to be away from one another, but still...texting/phone calls/Skype can only help so much. LDRs are literally the worst thing ever...that was my previous relationship. Waaaah, but another time, another time. Not tonight.

ANYWAY, after my sexy, sweet, practically-sleepless night with Nate, I got up at 8:30 this morning to go to my volunteer post at 9. Oops. But thankfully I was volunteering to help freshmen move into my own apartment building, so I literally just had to step outside and walk upstairs to the courtyard. (Just to clarify...I live in an on-campus apartment, which is done through university housing...they promised students that wanted to volunteer to help move freshmen students in today that we could move in on Thursday, which is two full days earlier than the rest of returning students...hell yes, please and thank you.) I threw my greasy hair up in a bun, threw on my too-bright yellow "CREW" shirt, made Nate and I a cup of minty green tea, and headed outside. From 9 to 1 I helped move freshies into their new actually wasn't too bad. I hung out with one of my close friends, Hattie, and her new boyfriend, Rowan, and it was a lot of fun. Rowan taught me how to play a C chord, an A minor chord, and an F chord on the ukulele in between helping, which was awesome. Now I really want a uke of my own.

The rest of today has been just a lot more organizing and shopping for needed stuff. Nate brought me Chipotle for lunch after my volunteer shift ended, which was super sweet, since I won't have my car til tomorrow and he had to go to work right after dropping off my food. I finally decorated my walls and then ran to Walmart to pick up some things we needed. I actually didn't "run" to Walmart, I rode the bus, which was super fun. I haven't done that since I was a freshman, and it still had the same independent charm. Our local public transport system is a *very* nice, very clean one, so I love taking the bus. Yaaaaay for public transportation! :)

Now to memorize my last monologue for auditions...I mean Hell Week. Finally, we've come to the definition of Hell Week. First, you must know this: I am a Bachelor of Fine Arts student at my university in the theatre department. My Concentration is Classical Acting. This is a performance degree, and it requires 70+ credits to graduate on its own, and it's basically like having a full-time job. Lots of late nights with rehearsals/performances, on top of early mornings for classes. It is a different degree than just a regular BA in Theatre. A BA is very general and unconcentrated...perfect if you just take a general interest in theatre or are double-majoring. But a BFA is a commitment to this whole thing of "I want to be a performer when I graduate. I want to do this for a living." If you've never known someone that does theatre/show business, you do now, and I can tell you, you're ALWAYS in a job interview. Not just in this school setting I'm going to talk about, but in the real world too, trust me. I walk into the Fine Arts building on campus, and the walls have eyes and ears, let me tell you. I must be on my most perfect, professional behavior, for the all-seeing, all hearing professors and mentors are watching to see if I'm dedicated enough to be considered castable. This intense daily "interview" is intensified by 1000% during Hell Week...

At the beginning of each semester, the theatre students go through what is known informally to us as Hell Week. Monday is a rest auditions, but in the Fall Semester, we have a meeting with the entire department and a welcome-back party with pizza. Tis fun, but also intimidating, especially for the poor freshmen. Tuesday is the true beginning of Hell Week. Beginning at 8pm sharp, all theatre students are expected (and all BFA students are required) to audition for the three mainstage shows for that semester. These shows are the big deals, the ones that get budgets and big audiences. They also give you more legit credits/roles to put on your resume...very important to build a good resume. At 8pm, you start auditioning for three shows. That means presenting three monologues, perfected and practiced, and usually one song if there is a musical (eeeek!). These auditions usually run until midnight...if you start camping out to get an early place in line at like, 4 o'clock, you can sometimes leave by 9. But if you've got class/don't have the time to wait in line at 4ish, you're there to wait your turn to audition for several hours, because the directors/professors have over 300 students to see in one night. So that's Tuesday. Wednesday and Thursday are callbacks, which also tend to run late. Everyone wakes up early on Wed. to see if their hard work at auditions paid off on the callboard, where callbacks are posted. Then comes Friday...cast list day. The two days each year, one per semester, that everyone waits for all year. This is a day of celebration and glory for some, and a day of deep sadness and defeat for others. I make it sound so dramatic (haha) but it's true. Hell Week is nothing but sleepless nights, preparing for callbacks and the auditions that precede them, and lots of nerves running high...all while beginning classes, and for me, an on-campus job at the Writing Center.

But it's's worth it.

That's all for today! I'll probably post again before Hell Week unleashes itself, but if not, I'll at least update you on how my auditions go. Send your leg breakers my way! I send my best wishes yours! :)


Vic :)

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Prepare Yoself...Long Post Full of Fun Stories :)

Well! It's been a couple days since I last posted, but let me tell you, they've been extremely busy! Prep yourself for a lot of reading...I have some fun things to tell about the events of Friday night, my all-day trip to Louisville on Monday, and now what I'm up to. Dive in! :)

The trip to Cincy went really well. We arrived in plenty of time for Mom and I to make it to dinner. The "dinner" was a lot more informal than I had originally thought...Mom and I felt slightly over-dressed in our nice skirts, giraffe cardigans, and heels when talking to the sweaty, slightly tipsy golfers in the barn-turned-clubhouse. We nibbled on the hot dogs and baked beans they politely offered us (which were quite tasty, I'm not one to turn my nose up at a good cookout), but decided we'd go get more food later, just the two of us. Despite not being what we expected, the ceremony was very fun and lighthearted. All in all a very nice evening...especially when I got some Mommy and Me time. :)

My mom and I have always been very close, but since I've been going away to school, we've had less and less time to talk. I will always remember this past Friday night with her...we went to one of our favorite restaurants on the levee in Newport, Kentucky, and ate to our hearts' content...muscles and lobster bisque for both of us, seafood stuffed cod for me, and Chilean sea bass for Mom. A verrry big treat! Everything was delicious, and our little foodie hearts were just bursting. But the thing that really made the evening memorable was the talk my mother and I had...we had already talked non-stop on the three hour car ride to Cincinnati, and had chatted all the way around the dinner/ceremony for the scholarship...we're quite the talkers. At dinner, we spoke of life, my love life, our lives at home, education, and even some thoughts on spirituality. I always said I got my "religion" from my mother...we agree on so many things. Mostly that the world is a truly marvelous place, and that we are completely blessed with such beautiful lives, and each other. I hope I never forget the glow that night had, and holding Mom's delicate, aging hand as we crossed the street together, laughing and crying about how "goddamn lucky" we were, with the glittery, magical light of the city to guide us.

I've never been drunk before, nor will I probably ever be able to experience it...but that which I experienced that evening must be what the good part of drunkenness feels like. So floaty and bubbly and comfortingly dreamlike...a place where no one can touch you or hurt you.

As the night drew to a close, Mom was pretty throughly exhausted, so she crashed at the hotel. I gave her a kiss and promised to be in the room by midnight...some friends had invited me to their apartment-warming party, and one of the new hosts just happened to be my boyfriend, so I felt I'd best go, teehee. Thankfully the place wasn't as dreadfully hard to find as I'd feared, nor was the party loud and obnoxious. My boy Nate met me at the door and greeted me with the warmest of hugs...I'd missed him terribly. He showed me around the place, including their adorable cat Biscuit, and I just felt very much at home right away. I hugged two of Nate's four roommates: Becca (who is one of my dearest friends!!! Oh thank goodness she'll be so close!) and Kyle (who is very strange but completely lovable). The last of Nate's roommates is kind of a turd, and I don't trust him. As fate would have it, Nate and Turdy have to share a room...I fear the kind of issues that will occur if I want to sleep over. Oh well. After lots of hugs and tours and celebration, the four roommates, myself, and Kyle's girlfriend, Molly, gathered in the living room to watch a documentary on wildlife narrated by Oprah "Fro Fro" Winfrey. We watched something called "Hunters of the Deep Oceans"...oooooo.

At midnight I headed for my car, and Nate kindly walked me out. It was sweet of him to do, and we stood in silence for a long time. Since he and I are a new relationship, and we've been apart for more than three fourths of it, it's hard to judge where we are at times. When I'm with him as I was Friday night, everything feels happy and normal. When we're apart, which thankfully is only for another day, it's a lot trickier. But this topic deserves its own post. Another time. The goodbye with Nate was terribly bittersweet, because I knew I'd miss him the moment I left...and I did. Sigh...

Friday night was definitely one of the most interesting and enjoyable nights I've had so far this summer. All these things must sound so trivial to you all, but to me they are very important. I live in rural Kentucky, which is terribly uneventful, to say the least. Going into town or to the grocery store is always a delight for me, because it gives me an excuse to get out of the house. Sadly, all my friends are far far away from where I live, and I don't have much company in the summer time, save my family. I feel a bit like a fashionable hermit living in the forest when I come home for the summer.

But on days like Friday, and Monday too, I am able to escape the leafy woods to have a little fun. One of my new friends from an arts camp I RAed at this summer invited me to come pay her a visit in Louisville. I was THRILLED. I loooooove Louisville, and I loooooove this girl, LaNia. We spent all of Monday dancing around the city...we spent an hour and a half trying to cash a check (ridiculous, but funny), ate lunch at a yummy burger joint called "Home Run" that lets you put guacamole on your burger (HEAVEN), tried at least 9 Comfy Cow ice cream flavors, saw the movie "The Heat", ate fresh Japanese food for dinner, and bought journals together in Target. The whole day was nothing but talking and laughing and catching up and sharing memories of the arts camp...all in all, it was completely wonderful. An ideal girls' day from start to finish. :) I can't wait to go visit my talented, dear new friend LaNia again.

The journals I mentioned I was a "A Line A Day For Five Years" journal. I've always wanted to try one of those, and I hope I keep up with it. So far, so good. ;) The other was a journal that suggests one kind thing to do a day and then has a space for reflection on that good deed. I love that idea, and once I get back to school, I plan to use the journal every day. Perhaps I'll tell you of my adventures in being a Good Samaritan on here as well. I like sharing sweet stuff and what I learn from doing it. :)

Speaking of school...I MOVE INTO MY NEW APARTMENT TOMORROW. WAAAAAHHHHHHH HOW DID THIS HAPPEN?!?!?! I'm so nervous and excited and anxious and eager and ready and sooooo not ready and terrified and thrilled and all the feels ever!!!!! Waaaaaaaahhhh... Tomorrow, I begin my junior year of college. How am I already a junior? How is this happening? Oh lord...hopefully it won't take me four days to post again. I'm going to set aside time tomorrow night if I can to write a bit about the move-in process. I hope it's relatively painless...we'll see! :o

...anyone out there read all this? If ya did, I'm majorly impressed and would love to know...why? How did you find me? This thing says 19 people have viewed my blog, which blows my mind. How? What else would you want to know? Any holes in my history I'm leaving out that you're interested in? :)



Saturday, August 10, 2013

The Anti-First Post

Welp, this is my first post! Hello world!

But I don't want this to have that first-post sort of feel...I want to hit the ground running! So!

Today my mother and I are venturing up to the hills of Cincinnati from the hills of my old Kentucky home...not much of a difference, if you don't count the vast amounts of tall buildings, paved roads, and lovely places to eat/play/read/explore in Cincy. The purpose of today's trip is a matter of business: I won a scholarship back in the wintertime, and now I'm finally getting my check! Yay! In order to receive the check, I have to go to a golf outing/dinner thingy where it shall be presented to me. I'm not one for golf, but I'm super keen on getting a little dressed up for it. I miss getting dressed in pretty things every day...oh, I can't *wait* for school to start so that I can start getting dressed in nicer things everyday. In my home town, there's really not much point, especially since I stay in most of the day or wear the same frumpy uniform to work. Once I put on a cute little sundress to go to the grocery, and my mom did a double take and said, "Why are you so dressed up to go to the store?"

...I like looking pretty...mmmmmmrrrrrrrrr...

Needless to say, the sooner I head back to university, the better.

Best be on my way. I still need to get dressed and pack for the overnight trip. Waaaaaaahhhhh! Here goes nothing!

Sanguinely Yours,


Edit: Sorry for the awkward look of my blog right now...when I have more time, I'll fix it right up! :D