Sunday, August 25, 2013

And she returns!

Waaaahhhhhh it's been too long!!!

Okay, so I have to make this quick because I need to get to sleeeeeeep. But don't worry! I will be back and posting this week. I have this idea to do a demo/recipe post about some shrimp and mushroom pasta I'm going to make this week, and another one about rum cake...cuz I've been dying to make a rum cake. I made one of my mom's homemade apple pies tonight, and it was DELICIOUS, so if you want the recipe/would like to see how that went, I will happily make another pie just for y'all.

...If there are any of y'all out there. :/

But as an update, Hell Week is, in fact, OVER! And what has come of Hell Week? This girl, after two amazing callbacks for the two straight plays of the semester, landed a lead role in our Shakespearean production this winter!!! :D :D :D I'm so excited!!!! I wish I could tell you guys a little more about which of Shakespeare's plays/my role, but I'm kinda nervous to do so in case any of my cast/crewmates ever find this blog...I want to be able to share my honest opinions about how the process is going and document my feelings without censoring them, and if someone who is a part of that process found this...that would stink if they got their feelings hurt/shared it. If the production is magically perfect and I never have a single complaint, I'll give the name of the show/my character at the end of the run.

But! As an added bonus, Nate is also cast in the show!!! :D He's not my love interest, *sigh*, but that's okay. We got to slow-dance/dance to traditional Elizabethan music during the callback together, so I'm more than pleased. Plus, this will be the first project we've worked on together as castmates since February 2012! That is so exciting to me! Plus, we both love Shakespeare, so that's cool. Neither of my roommates, who both really wanted to be a part of the Shakespeare show, got cast in there's a little bit of guilt hanging over my head...

I love them both so much, and they're both extremely talented, and I genuinely don't wish them any failures or anything like that. I think it's really important to celebrate fellow artists' victories, and mourn their losses with them...and they've been really kind and congratulatory towards me, and I've tried to be very humble in return. I try not to be competitive...I know eventually I'll have to get a little more competitive than I am, but earlier this summer, a fellow artist friend of mine was sharing about this article she read. It was about how professional sports encourage competition and besting your rivals at any cost, and how there is this coldness between opposing teams. It's never about players improving their skills or working together's about the names of the players themselves, and the "brand" of the team they are on...even though they don't always work as a team. All "I" and no "us"...whereas art, even in a professional, more business-like setting, is all about building community, and improving the world as a whole while also bettering yourself. In art, you create something to give to the world as a gift. You create to express, to share, to emote, to pray, to help. I'm not saying sports are bad or can't build community and teamwork, especially on non-professional levels, but it is interesting to look at professional sports players and the world they compete in, versus professional artists and their goals and how they "compete" in a virtually open-ended job market.

Wow, I said I was gonna make this quick. xD LIES. I can't make any post quick. Goodnight, all! Much love to everyone who views this! If you disagree/agree with my sports vs arts bit, please comment (respectfully)! I'd love to have a discussion about it! :)

Sanguinely Yours,


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